Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Project - Week 3

I started researching on how climate effects our community and I read the article from the Courior. This is what I have been doing but other people should start at the things that were assigned to them for the project. But people also should do other things that were assigned to them for other things.

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Project - Week 2

We went over what we had to do for the project and then assigned a part for everyone to do. We printed out a copy for everyone but the copy that we printed out isn't the final copy of what we are actually for sure going to do for the Project.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mission Planing

  • plan for first mission that includes insulation, bike, computer, all three house missions and possibly carbon dioxide and ice sample.
  • manipulators for house missions and the buoy mission.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 1

- technically good robot
- exciting presentation
- complete all missions in 2:30

- Tues, Thurs, Sun

- Presentation (Rhianne)
- Missions (Emmanuel)
- Technical (Aaron)

See Google Calendar for tasks for next week.


